General Counselling

Specialised Clinical Psychology

We offer two levels of intervention, one being General Mental Health Counselling at a No Gap Fee, i.e.. Medicare rebates 100% of counselling fees for up to 10 sessions per
calendar year.

The other level of intervention being therapy for emotional and interpersonal dysfunctions and psychological disorders for which Medicare rebates approximately 75% of our fees for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.

Self management is the most
effective treatment for stress
Brief psychological treatment aims to teach
control of symptoms whereas longer term
therapy aims to promote maturity and growth

Because there is no “stress free” life there cannot really be treatment for stress. Managing your life is the best antidote and of course managing your situations differently or if you can’t, then changing it altogether when that seems to be the best option for you.

Before control can develop, you may need to develop awareness about the stressors affecting you and about the origins of your personal responses to stress. This understanding will allow you to keep on maturing after your initial brief therapy of 10 sessions. Many people, once they learn that they have the power to take charge of their life, become interested in developing "the self" further – perhaps to make up for developmental deprivation, neglect or abuse that may have prevented the natural growth of confidence and self-esteem in childhood years.

Psychelp is a better solution than quitting
or becoming sick

Special purpose therapies focus on
specific goals and on early intervention

Before quitting a job, a marriage or life it helps to recognise that it is not just you – there are also external stressors – and while we usually can’t change them, we can get help to learn how to manage the negative feelings, thoughts and behaviours before they get out of control.

The other level of intervention being therapy for emotional and interpersonal dysfunctions and psychological disorders for which Medicare rebates 75% of our fees for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.

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